Friday, January 27, 2006

Well Dude!

I guess it's been awhile, huh?

I might as well Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year my self out right here it goes...what I said in the top line ditto ^_^! See, nice an simple, but to the point. I guess since it's the end of January right now I'm sorta all holiday'd out, and as far as I'm concerced so is everyone else. If not, pls come to my site and complain about my lack of post-holiday spirit.

So, what am I doing now, you must be wondering. Well, at this very moment I am listening to It's an awesome site where they play all anime music all the time, and I'm not talkin about all that boring crap that some people try and pass off as theme songs. This stuff is good. They've got everything from Spirited Away to Sonic X! From Trigun to Gunslinger Girl! From Sailor Moon (Live action) to Tenchi Muyo! Seriously, you have to try it out, that is if you like anime, all the rest of you can ignore me. Well, even if you don't like anime u should at least listen for a little bit...u can request songs if u want too ^_^! Ok, so the site name is if this doesn't take u to it go to GOOGLE and type in keiichi or anime radio (this is how I found it) and you should be able to get there from a link.

Hmmm, now what have I been obsessing about since yesterday???? Oh, I know SMALLVILLE!!!!!!!
Anyone who watches the show knows what I'm talking about, but those of you who don't or haven't seen it yet, don't worry I won;t give anything away. I will say that this past episode was excellent!!! Ok, and I'll say that it was probably one of the best episodes story-wise and such. If you want some info on it go to another awesome site w/lots-o-kewl stuff.

Now, before I head out I should mention that everyone should check out the online trailer for X-men III, even if u don't like marvel or comics at all for that matter. It's gonna be an awesome prequel!!! Well, hopefully I won't be gone too long again. TTYL ^_^

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


'ello all!

It's been awhile since i last posted. Hopefully everyone's been doing well, those of u who celebrate thanksgiving i hope you enjoyed it!

Well, I don't have much to say. I've really just been working so nothing exceptionally exciting has happened. I did, however, get myself some new cds. I got Norah Jones: Feels like home and Marc Broussard: Carencro. Both are lovely! In fact, I'm listening to Marc right now! He's got some awesome songs like Home, The Wanderer, Saturday, and Let me leave (plus there's a hidden track on his cd which i just love!) Norah also has some awesome tracks: Carnival town, Creepin in, and Sunrise are just a few of my favorites.

I can't wait to go Christmas shopping...(not in any of those crazy Wal mart cities...whoever watches the news knows what I mean). I'm not exactly sure what i'm getting or for whom I plan to shop for, but I'm still looking forward to it.

Well I think I blabbed enough for the moment. Oh, before I forget check out Takuhai (or now it's just called Manga) on If u like free manga u'll love this!

Ok, well, TTYL ^_^

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I hope u dance


I'm listening to Lee Ann Womack right now "I hope you dance". I love this song, it's so deep and inspiring.

Anyway, for those of u who are artists I beseech you, please help me! I am one of those struggling artists, I'm struggling w/ myself and keeping on track. I'm one of those ppl who get really excited about an idea and go straight to drawing but in a few days or weeks i'm uninspired and i completely stop what i was doing! I have to stop myself!

If u have any advice please speak up! I'm about to start another project and I really wanna finish something! Thanks.

Well TTYL ^_^!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Blueberry muffins

hello all ^_^!

I was looking for a blueberry muffin this morning, but all i could find were the chocolate and banana nut ones....not that i don't love chocolate ( i sorta don't like bananas though) but i really love the blueberry ones

....just thought u guys should know that ^_^

I also wanna say thanks to everyone who reads my blog.

I'd also also like to suggest looking into one of my other favorite blogs here on blog spot. Check out the spiderblog i'm not sure what the link is, but the address is It's lovely ^_^

TTYL ^_^

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I'm so sleepy

I have been so drowsy for the past few days...and I don't know why!

I think it's the seasons changing, the sleepy-Autumn-time-ness.

Yesterday I sat in work at my desk (all day it seemed) trying to keep my head from bobbing and my eyes from dropping. It was really bad. Luckily, though, I had some chocolate snacks around that kept me on a strong sugar rush.

Oh, before I forget. Anyone who hasn't seen Millenium Actress and is a anime/manga fan GO SEE IT! I just did and I have to say it is truely awesome. Well that's all I can say for now.

TTYL ^_^!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


well, as u can see some very nice person decided to post on my site....thank you very kindly, who ever u r.

I am very proud of myself for keeping my cool at my new job. so far it's been a week and three days since i came "on board". i'm so happy!!!!

now...for anyone out there craving something yummy and lite (well, not so lite) grab urself an otis spunkmyer (spell-check) muffin...a blueberry one if u know whats good for u. i just had one and i have to say it was mucho-goodo! I loved it! now, hopefully i haven't just advertised for the muffin co cause i'm not tryin to. i just had a really good muffin and i wanted the world to know.

well nice chattin w/ya. TTYL ^_^

Monday, September 19, 2005

I made it!

I went an entire week without having a nervous break down! YAY ME! I'm so proud of myself. I was starting to get really overwhelmed with my new job, but now I realize I just need to take lots of deep breaths and no worry so much.

Hmmm...well other than job-ness I've had a bit of car-not-starting-ness. So far every time I go somewhere with my dad right after that the car won't start! Weird, huh? I think It's a message from God telling my dad I need to get my own car!

Well TTYL ^_^